Work and Energy

  1. 5. Heat energy can also be defined as ____ energy
  2. 8. Potential energy is the same as ______ energy
  3. 9. Energy cannot be _____ nor destroyed
  4. 15. Work is measured in _____
  5. 16. How much work is done when a student pushes on a box, but does not move it?
  6. 18. Potential energy is ____ when dealing with springs
  7. 19. Work is defined as Force times _____
  8. 21. Mechanical ____ is the rate at which work is done
  9. 22. Throughout a frictionless roller coaster ride, the total energy everywhere remains ____
  10. 23. Applying the _____ when driving causes the energy of the car to change
  11. 24. An object has 20J of PE at the top of a ramp, how much KE will it have at the bottom of the ramp?
  1. 1. Potential energy is ____ when an object is raised off the ground
  2. 2. When a roller coaster goes downhill, the potential energy ____
  3. 3. Energy can only be ____ from one form to another
  4. 4. Mechanical power can be defined as the rate at which energy is _____
  5. 6. Changing the energy of a system involves doing ____
  6. 7. The kinetic energy of a roller coaster is highest near the ____ of a hill
  7. 9. Energy is _____ in a closed system
  8. 10. The potential energy of a roller coaster is lowest near the ______ of a hill
  9. 11. When a roller coaster goes downhill, the kinetic energy _____
  10. 12. Power can be calculated as Force times ___
  11. 13. Kinetic energy is the energy of ______ things
  12. 14. A box is pushed 3.0m with a force of 10N; ___J of work was done
  13. 17. The amount of work done to raise a 6.12kg object 1m into the air is approximately ___J
  14. 20. Power can be calculated as work over ____
  15. 24. The potential energy of a roller coaster is highest near the ___ of a hill
  16. 25. The kinetic energy of a roller coaster is lowest near the ___ of a hill