Work and Energy

  1. 2. has an x axis (with units), y axis (with units), title
  2. 4. distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that distance
  3. 6. energy due to an object's motion
  4. 7. displacement / change in time
  5. 10. part of determining potential energy
  6. 11. total energy in a system
  7. 13. equals GPE / acceleration times height
  8. 16. units for power
  9. 17. the ability to produce a change in itself or its surroundings
  10. 18. produces a change in the system's total energy
  11. 20. units for work
  12. 21. rate at which velocity changes
  1. 1. a= 10m/s^2 on earth
  2. 3. units for energy
  3. 5. energy stored due to an object's position or state
  4. 8. used to quantify the duration of events
  5. 9. straight line change in location from starting and ending points regardless of route taken
  6. 12. to change a curve into a line
  7. 14. something that returns to its original shape after force has acted on it
  8. 15. the rate at which work is done
  9. 19. equals mass times acceleration