Work and Energy Test Review

  1. 3. A type of potential energy due to the gravitational forces between objects.
  2. 6. Energy due to motion
  3. 7. A type of machine that does work with only one movement of the machine.
  4. 10. The rate at which energy is converted
  5. 12. Store energy
  6. 13. The ability to do work (or cause change)
  7. 14. A type of potential energy stored in chemical bonds.
  1. 1. A simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel
  2. 2. Force applied through a distance
  3. 4. A device that changes the force or increases the motion of the work.
  4. 5. A simple machine that consists of a bar that pivots at a fixed point called a fulcrum.
  5. 8. A type of machine that combines two or more simple machines
  6. 9. A comparison of the output force to the input force of a machine
  7. 11. A type of potential energy due to the compression or stretching of objects