Work and Forces

  1. 3. inclined planed wrapped around a cylinder
  2. 7. says that energy can not be created or destroyed, it simply changes from one form to another
  3. 9. two or more simple machines working together
  4. 11. inclined planed that moves
  5. 12. the ratio of output work to input work.
  1. 1. flat sloped surface
  2. 2. which is a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it.
  3. 4. a shaft attached to a wheel of a larger diameter so both rotate together
  4. 5. the transfer of energy that occurs when a forces makes an object move in the direction of the force while the force acts on the object
  5. 6. machines that do work using one movement
  6. 8. the conversion of one form of energy to another
  7. 10. simple machine that pivots around a fixed point