Work and jobs

  1. 4. what you fill when asking for a job
  2. 6. The time you spent working, your schedule
  3. 9. The job itself
  4. 11. Someone
  5. 13. The person that was hired, the worker
  6. 14. Someone that is being training
  7. 15. Work at a parcial time
  8. 16. Getting money, receiving the wage for your work
  9. 17. Your Curriculum Vitae
  10. 18. A letter that provides references about you ()
  1. 1. The list of employees, all the employees that the employer has to pay
  2. 2. How much you are expecting to earn
  3. 3. Your skills, how qualified are you for a job
  4. 5. Work all the day, 8 to 10 hours a day
  5. 7. What you are supposed to comply, in spanish a soldier can say "Mi deber es servir a mi patria"
  6. 8. What you are earning, your salary
  7. 10. The person/company that is paying you, the one who hired you
  8. 12. An increase on your earnings