Work and Machines

  1. 4. what must happen for work to be done?
  2. 7. a cylinder with an inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around it
  3. 9. W is the variable for ...
  4. 11. unit for power
  5. 12. the comparison of work output to work input is mechanical _____
  6. 15. a ramp is an example of a(n) ...
  7. 16. unit for work
  1. 1. a device that does work by overcoming a force or changing the direction of the force
  2. 2. this pulley is attached to the load
  3. 3. one of the two things work depends on
  4. 5. a hammer is an example of a ____ class lever
  5. 6. a _____ class lever with the order IFL
  6. 8. a faucet knob is an example of this
  7. 9. a pair of inclined planes that increase output force
  8. 10. power is the _____ at which energy is transferred
  9. 13. multiple simple machines together is called a _____ machine
  10. 14. there are _____ simple machines