Work Ethics

  1. 4. What I should show to all I come into contact with
  2. 5. Grumbling about assigned tasks or changes
  3. 8. worthy of trust
  4. 12. What is being late to work called?
  5. 13. Adherence to moral and ethical principles
  6. 14. What I should demonstrate with all of my responsibilities
  7. 16. To engage in a contest
  8. 18. Showing compassion for others
  9. 19. Pertaining to right or wrong behavior
  10. 20. Giving assistance to others
  1. 1. to give attention to
  2. 2. a rule used as a basis for judgment
  3. 3. What kind of writing should I utilize?
  4. 6. I must be this regarding my actions
  5. 7. What CNB sees for itself as a whole
  6. 9. Dependable or reliable
  7. 10. Determines how I approach my day
  8. 11. I should always keep these
  9. 15. Feeling that I deserve special treatment
  10. 17. Team with a strong spirit