Work experience

  1. 4. You can buy food and drinks in a ...
  2. 7. When you have applied for a job the boss invites you for an...
  3. 11. Before you start a new job you have to sign a ...
  4. 12. When Steve sells cars. When he makes a ... he gets extra money.
  1. 1. The ... is the mechanic who tells the other mechanics what to do.
  2. 2. Another word for company.
  3. 3. My first car was a ... car. I couldn't afford a new one.
  4. 5. When you arrive in a hotel you talk to the ... first.
  5. 6. Brian should become a professional footballer. He's a very ... player.
  6. 8. One ... of gasoline costs £1,46.
  7. 9. "The best way to ... me is by WhatsApp!"
  8. 10. Another word for boss.