Work Physiology

  1. 2. Predictive equations use information about the task and this to predict energy consumption
  2. 5. Max heart rate depends on this
  3. 9. Looking at joint forces
  4. 12. Energy production sustainable for a long duration
  5. 14. Motor neuron + skeletal muscle fiber
  6. 15. Motion producing maximal force of a muscle
  7. 17. Production of energy with or without oxygen
  1. 1. Phase of energy production supplying ATP at a very fast rate
  2. 3. Work output ÷ Energy uptake
  3. 4. Subjective measurement approach to task assessment
  4. 6. Contraction of a sarcomere increases ___ of actin and myosin
  5. 7. Have a higher basal metabolic rate
  6. 8. Double stranded filaments with binding sites
  7. 10. Production from anaerobic exercise causes muscle fatigue
  8. 11. Rating of perceived exertion
  9. 13. Metabolic rate for vital human body function
  10. 16. Duration is dependent on energy exertion and exertion duration