Work, Power, & Energy

  1. 3. class of wheelbarrow
  2. 5. energy of motion
  3. 6. aka inclined plane
  4. 8. work in a period of time
  5. 11. _________ Henry
  6. 12. energy in food
  7. 15. class of see-saw
  8. 17. creates sound energy
  9. 18. wheel & ______
  10. 21. unit for power
  11. 25. apply a force over a distance
  12. 26. creates electrical energy
  13. 27. energy from center of atom
  1. 1. energy of position
  2. 2. __________power
  3. 4. inclined plane and cylinder
  4. 7. device to lower effort
  5. 9. _________magnetic
  6. 10. example of wedge
  7. 13. mechanical ______________
  8. 14. unit for work
  9. 16. aka heat energy
  10. 19. aka resistance
  11. 20. wheel with rope
  12. 22. class of fishing pole
  13. 23. push or pull
  14. 24. provides ability to do work