  1. 4. Professional opinion about your ability to do the job
  2. 7. A person who is applying for a job
  3. 8. Not professional. Relaxed in appearance or work
  4. 12. How a person looks to another
  5. 13. A person who is doing the interview
  6. 14. The level of skills and work that you have done
  1. 1. A way of asking for information
  2. 2. Code, What you will choose to wear to an interview
  3. 3. The level of skills and certificates that you have
  4. 5. Hired to work
  5. 6. A person who is being interviewed
  6. 9. Something that is dangerous and could be a liability
  7. 10. A personal written document outlining a persons skills
  8. 11. A group of 2 or more people who are doing an interview