Work Sayings
- 1. let's circle back to this
- 3. this is where the rubber meets the road
- 7. you need to do this first
- 8. when you agree you see this to this
- 9. it's important to stay ahead of this
- 11. Goose was to Mavericks
- 15. if you aren't part of the solution you are part of
- 18. there's no I in...
- 20. we use this to accelerate a deal
- 21. you might do this on your feet
- 2. we need to streamline our...
- 4. When everything is a priority, nothing is this
- 5. to innovate you might need to break this
- 6. It's not rocket...
- 10. Think outside the ...
- 12. keep me in the ...
- 13. Don’t put all your eggs in this.
- 14. an approach most don't use
- 16. a certain kind of storm
- 17. Let's touch base about this offline
- 19. when you're fully booked, you're up to your neck in...