work sui ping

  1. 2. something you do for money.
  2. 4. someone who manages the company.
  3. 7. who has a profesionnal job and has higher education.
  4. 9. someone who get education in a school.
  5. 11. who works in a restaurant and cook foods for customers.
  6. 13. someone who grow vegetables or crops.
  7. 14. someone who lost his job.
  8. 16. someone who works in the public sector.
  9. 17. someone who makes funetures.
  10. 19. someone who fix something when something is not working properly.
  11. 21. assistant someone who workes in a shop.
  1. 1. someone who look the sick people.
  2. 3. amount the money you make per week.
  3. 5. someone who help you do the tax-return.
  4. 6. the information about youself.
  5. 7. who is the head in a school.
  6. 8. who teach in school.
  7. 10. who is looking after patient in hospital.
  8. 12. time someone who work 38 hours a week.
  9. 15. someone clean the public places.
  10. 18. someone who leave his job.
  11. 19. someone who is control the air-plane.
  12. 20. drive someone who drive bus for passegers.