  1. 3. Skills, knowledge or experiences necessary to perform a specific job.
  2. 5. Receive money in exchange for work or services provided.
  3. 7. Work that requires working fewer hours than a full-time job.
  4. 11. Be promoted to a position of greater responsibility or authority.
  5. 12. Not having a job and looking for work.
  6. 13. Work of limited or temporary duration.
  7. 14. Working for oneself, without being hired by another person or company.
  8. 16. Be in charge or have authority over something or someone.
  1. 1. Specific period of work within a day.
  2. 2. Work additional hours beyond regular hours.
  3. 4. Work that requires working a standard number of hours per week.
  4. 6. Apply for a job.
  5. 8. Physical place where work is done.
  6. 9. Stop working permanently, usually upon reaching a certain age.
  7. 10. Quit a job voluntarily.
  8. 15. To be fired from a job.