
  1. 2. when you inform something important to boss
  2. 4. your personal registration inform
  3. 6. when you get old enough and quit his job
  4. 7. Salary that you get after retire
  5. 8. person who's in charge at work
  6. 9. person who's working at the beach and helps you when when you're drowning
  7. 11. Man who got kicked out of job.
  8. 12. person who's digging coal, gold, silver etc.
  1. 1. bonus that you get with salary
  2. 3. money which you get after 1 week of work
  3. 4. Person who collects rare items in auctions
  4. 5. Person who uses your service
  5. 7. when you get higher rank in your job
  6. 8. money which you get after 1 month of work
  7. 10. when you quit your job on your own