
  1. 1. a person, object, action, place, or event that in addition to its literal or denotative meanings suggests a more complex meaning or range of meanings
  2. 3. the central or dominant idea of a work of fiction
  3. 5. a fictional representation of a person (or animal). Characters may be described as either flat or round
  4. 8. the angle from which a story is told; i.e., the type of narrator the author chooses to use
  5. 10. a story with two parallel and consistent levels of meaning, on literal and one figurative
  6. 11. Story a fictional narrative generally centering on one climactic event and usually developing only a single character in depth; its scope is narrower than that of a novel.
  1. 1. the way a writer selects and arranges words to express ideas
  2. 2. a fictional representation of a person (or animal). Characters may be described as either flat or round.
  3. 4. the attitude of the speaker or author of a work toward the subject matter
  4. 6. an extended narrative in prose. Typically the novel relates to a series of events or follows the history of a character or group of characters through a period of time.
  5. 7. the historical, physical, geographical, and psychological location where a fictional work takes place
  6. 9. the way in which the narrative events are arranged. Generally, plots have the same basic elementsPoint-of-View the angle from which a story is told; i.e., the type of narrator the author chooses to use