World Cultures Final Review (Medieval Europe)

  1. 5. A political & social system where a Lord provides protection in exchange for loyalty & service
  2. 6. After Charlemagnes death his 3 grandsons fought for power. This is an _____ struggle.
  3. 9. In 1215, Nobles rebelled against which King
  4. 10. Medieval Europe Person at the top of the hierarchy pyramid
  5. 14. Viking that sailed to North America (not credited for discovery)
  6. 18. After Charlemagnes death, the Vikings, Muslims & Magyars invaded. This is an ______ factor.
  7. 19. William The Conqueror built ______ throughout his conquered land
  8. 21. The economic counterpart to Feudalism
  9. 22. Vocabulary word describing the time in history before Medieval Europe
  10. 24. The center of life in a medieval community
  11. 27. In 1066 he invaded and conquered England
  12. 28. Eventually the Vikings Norse Religion faded and they converted to:
  13. 29. A noble that receives land from a King
  14. 30. Document that established the rights of the nobles and limited the powers of the King
  15. 31. Norse Mythology - Name of 2 birds kept by God of War
  1. 1. United Europe after the Fall of the Western Roman Empire (476)
  2. 2. Viking warrior that raided and were greatly feared by people
  3. 3. Land given to knights/vassals in exchange for loyalty
  4. 4. A highly trained warrior that serves and protects noble
  5. 7. Name of Viking ship
  6. 8. The single, largest unifying institution in Medieval Europe
  7. 11. An unwritten agreement where a vassal receives land from the lord and vassal promises loyalty
  8. 12. Norse Mythology - Viking God of War
  9. 13. A period of time in Europe that spanned 1000 years (500 to 1500)
  10. 15. In Medieval Europe, who was educated
  11. 16. Where are the Vikings from?
  12. 17. Person of the lowest social class on the manor
  13. 20. Code of Conduct established for knights
  14. 23. Magna Carta is similar to which of our founding documents
  15. 25. Great Domesday and Little Domesday documented all people, land and animals in England. This is a called a:
  16. 26. A self-contained world located on the land belonging to a Lord