World from A to Z Vocab

  1. 1. The ___ of Mary's speech was Ancient Egypt, so she brought pictures of pyramids.
  2. 4. To ___ the new school year, the high school has a back-to-school dance.
  3. 9. We sailed all day and hoped to make ___ before sunset.
  4. 10. Some people think Mary looks just like Beyonce. She is Beyonce's___.
  5. 11. Mary has a dream of opening a bakery, so she contacted potential ___ to see if they would help with the start up costs.
  6. 12. I am always ___ in the morning to get ready for work and get my kids to school.
  1. 2. When the school said that students couldn't bring phones to school anymore, it ___ a lot of calls from angry parents.
  2. 3. Joe called the ambulance as soon as he saw the traffic ___.
  3. 5. Almost no rain had ___ in August, and the grass turned brown.
  4. 6. On Thursday, Joe went to the ____ of the new war memorial.
  5. 7. When building houses, you need to take precise ___ before you cut the wood.
  6. 8. There is a large ___ every May called a Powwow in which Miwuk tribe celebrates their cultural.