World Geography 3rd hour

  1. 2. to return to a former condition
  2. 4. to inhabit or live in
  3. 6. dependent
  4. 7. confined area connecting one or more planes
  5. 13. setting a person or thing apart
  6. 14. lacks enough nutrients from food
  7. 16. a system of many governments officials who carry out government rules and regulations
  8. 18. free from, not subject to
  9. 19. a narrow confined strip connection
  10. 20. based on the worship of spirits and ideas of purity
  1. 1. is the power produced by water-driven turbines to generate electricity
  2. 3. to tend toward to adjust or adapt to
  3. 5. of land, able to be used to grow crops
  4. 7. to a limit or restrict
  5. 8. disagreement or debate
  6. 9. groups of families with common ancestors
  7. 10. unchanging not likely to give way
  8. 11. actions that attempt to force a country to follow international law
  9. 12. used for trade or other business
  10. 15. vast area of grasslands
  11. 17. pressure stress