World Hand Hygiene Day

  1. 5. What is the most important way to prevent the spread of germs?
  2. 6. How many moments for hand hygiene are there?
  3. 8. Who should be practicing hand hygiene?
  4. 9. The minimum infection prevention and control practices that must be used at all times, for all patients, in all situations.
  1. 1. Clean hands prevent the spread of germs and reduces the unnecessary use of antibiotics, thereby helping to reduce antibiotic ........?
  2. 2. A term for the practice of preventing the overuse or misuse of antibiotics to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance.
  3. 3. Many _ are transmitted on the hands of healthcare personnel and could be prevented by performing hand hygiene.
  4. 4. The 4th moment of hand hygiene, AFTER contact with the patient, is to protect the healthcare worker and the healthcare environment from harmful patient ....?
  5. 7. In the absence of visible soil, hands should be disinfected with an _ based hand rub rather than washed with soap and water.
  6. 10. Prevention is better than ....?