  1. 1. Medical care given to a patient.
  2. 4. Having a disease.
  3. 5. Added to soil to help plants grow.
  4. 7. One of the Himalayan ethnic groups.
  5. 9. Costing a lot of money.
  6. 10. A time of intense difficulty or danger.
  7. 12. Gigantic.
  8. 14. More crowded than it should be.
  9. 17. Far worse than an epidemic.
  10. 19. Traveller on a vehicle.
  1. 2. Another word for income.
  2. 3. Extremely old.
  3. 6. Highest point of a hill or mountain.
  4. 8. Long before there were written records.
  5. 11. Whole-grain, unhusked rice.
  6. 13. Able to face and overcome difficulties.
  7. 15. Doctors treat them.
  8. 16. A grass-like plant in or close to the sea.
  9. 17. Someone who flies an aeroplane.
  10. 18. To put up a candidate for elections.