World of Make Believe

  1. 2. someone, often a woman, involved in the practice of black magic with the help of a familiar
  2. 3. creature in Greek mythology that was part fire-breathing lion, part goat, and part snake
  3. 4. these tiny creatures are similar to fairies but do not have wings
  4. 6. believed in medieval times to change other metals into gold
  5. 8. this legendary monster is often depicted as a large, grotesque creature that feeds on infants & children
  6. 9. in Swiss mythology, these are earth creatures often depicted as old men guarding mines & treasures
  7. 10. the soul or spirit of one who is deceased
  8. 13. a short story often personifying animals and teaching a particular moral
  9. 19. the magical ability to discern information about a person or place through ESP
  10. 22. a supernatural entity whose purpose is to protect and assist witches
  11. 23. a priest/priestess who offers guidance by communing with the gods
  12. 25. aka a magician, or someone whose magic derives from arcane sources
  13. 26. in Greek mythology, these beings were born of a love affair between Uranus & Gaia
  14. 28. in Germanic folklore, this humanoid creature is a small, mischievous fairy
  15. 29. solitary humanoid beings in Norse mythology who live in caves
  1. 1. popular legendary creature described as a beast like a horse with a single, spiraling horn upon its head
  2. 2. in mythology, this creature is a person who changes into a wolf during full moons
  3. 5. a mythical creature who feeds on the blood of the living
  4. 7. a mischievous fairy in Irish folklore often depicted as a small bearded man
  5. 11. a type of magic involving communing with and resurrected the dead, often to be used in spell-work
  6. 12. mythical fire-breathing reptilian monster, often depicted with wings
  7. 14. a magical entity who puts people to sleep with a magical sand
  8. 15. used by soothsayers to see the future
  9. 16. these creatures are the evil opposites of other fairy types, and often live in grottoes
  10. 17. in folklore, this creature is a type of fairy that lives in mountains and mines
  11. 18. in pagan folklore, these beings are often considered to be nature spirits
  12. 20. a creature from folklore, believed to be a fairy left in the place of an abducted child
  13. 21. another term for someone who can foresee the future
  14. 24. short for extrasensory perception, a 6th sense that gleans information perceived through the mind
  15. 27. in Germanic folklore, these small creatures are attendants of the Devil