World War 1

  1. 2. a strong military spirit or policy of maintaining a large military establishment
  2. 3. A final statement of terms and if it is the night there could be some sort of retaliation or defence or break of relations
  3. 6. a policy that was made by the British, that states that the British Navy must always be either equal or better than other two navies
  4. 8. something that occurs when two or more countries are in competition to see you can become the best prepared military
  5. 9. formed by Bosnian Serbs, a terrorist organization that use violence to reach their goals
  6. 10. a type of combat were opposing are to force attack one another while facing each other
  7. 11. compromises and close associations of multiple countries that can result in achievements of common goals and wins for all parties involved
  8. 12. advancing into no man’s land, Almost means certain death
  9. 13. an operational plan that Germany came up with to avoid a two front war and to invade France
  10. 15. an alliance formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  11. 16. this meant that Germany would support Austria-Hungary throughout anything despite how bad the circumstances could get
  12. 17. widespread development of industries in countries, cultures etc
  1. 1. when one tries to wear down the oppositions defence and try to outlast them in materials
  2. 4. could also be identified as “nation-statism”
  3. 5. practice of extending the power and dominion of a country by gaining indirect control over either the political or economic life of other areas
  4. 7. between the trenches; in this strip of land soldiers were allowed to fire if they suspected movement
  5. 10. A less formal version of the triple alliance, this time it contains France, Russia and Britain
  6. 14. a cultural and political movement that originally only emphasized the cultural ties between the slavid peoples but then was later associated with the Russian expansionism – Russians wanted to encourage the Slav nationalism
  7. 15. all the resources of a country are organized to win the war, involve governments, economy and citizens participating