World War 1

  1. 4. the day the Treaty of Versailles was signed
  2. 5. the amount that died in WWI
  3. 6. another name for submarine
  4. 8. Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George, and Vittorio Orlando
  5. 9. the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey
  6. 12. a large gun used on the ground
  7. 13. the month WWI ended
  8. 15. something that easily spread in trenches
  9. 17. used on trenches and airplanes; had up to 50 riflemen
  10. 19. recruiting, war bonds, etc
  11. 22. causes blisters internally and externally
  12. 24. first total war of the 20th century
  13. 25. the alliance of Britain, France, Russia, and USA
  14. 27. a truce offered to Germany
  15. 32. aircrafts designed for bombing
  16. 33. this assasination led to WWI
  17. 34. the country with the smallest amount of deaths and injuries
  18. 37. used to combat trenches and destroy tanks
  19. 39. the country that withdrew because of civil revolt
  20. 40. the most popular kind of warfare
  1. 1. German flamethrower
  2. 2. the first to surrender
  3. 3. the name for the triple alliance
  4. 7. France
  5. 10. a U.S. position based on Wilson's 14 points
  6. 11. treaty negotiated with Germany
  7. 14. tanks were introduced in this battle
  8. 16. sinking that angered Americans
  9. 18. revolts in Germany led him to step down
  10. 20. communist leader
  11. 21. Russia
  12. 23. the name for the triple entente
  13. 26. chemical warfare during WWI
  14. 28. war where countries around the globe are involved
  15. 29. note from German foreign secretary to Mexico
  16. 30. empty space between trenches
  17. 31. protected soldiers from gas
  18. 35. The nickname for WWI
  19. 36. machinery used to cross trenches and no man's land
  20. 38. the blame of WWI