world war 1

  1. 1. of- the-marne German took over belgium.
  2. 4. poison that would spread through air
  3. 6. Promises to other countries that you would be on their side if a war were to happen Uniforms Clothes that specific countries would wear This would give away what side they were on unless they were a spy
  4. 7. an infection found in the feet that soldiers would get from standing in the muddy front lines
  5. 9. people who were on your side of the war
  6. 10. guns would shoot many bullets at a time
  7. 12. The most popular song was silent night
  1. 2. Lines dug out to provide protection for soldiers
  2. 3. animals that carried diseases walking around the trenches
  3. 5. people who would hide and shoot people from far distances during the daytime
  4. 8. Giant machine things crushing everything in their path and shooting cannons
  5. 11. underwater boats used to attack supply ships
  6. 13. flying machines that would see what- the enemy was doing