World War 1

  1. 2. government control or restrictions placed on the media
  2. 4. any horrible or violent action taken against an innocent or unarmed person or group
  3. 8. highly secretive british intelligence organization to intercept and decrypt germanmessages
  4. 9. country the person who killed archduke franz ferdinand is from
  5. 10. country that left the war in 1918
  6. 11. who went back on the sussex pledge
  7. 12. the country germany invaded to get to france
  8. 13. germany, austria-hungary, ottoman empire and bulgaria
  9. 15. person who took germany out of ww1
  10. 17. U.S. president that fought for peace
  11. 21. first german vs russia battle of the war
  12. 23. what battle happened july 1-november 18, 1916 and was one of the bloodiest battles of the war
  13. 24. some countries got extra soldiers from their ____________
  14. 26. lethal weapon responsible for maiming, blinding and killing thousands
  15. 28. someone who objects to killing
  16. 30. the treaty that brought britain to war
  17. 33. deadly weapon against infantry
  18. 35. assassinated by gavrilo princip
  19. 36. Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary in 1914
  20. 37. Britain, France, and Russia
  21. 38. not taking sides during a war
  22. 39. french person who was nicknamed tiger and really wanted germany to be punished
  1. 1. what advance/revolution allowed for modern weapons to be produced
  2. 3. the treaty that stopped ww1
  3. 5. payments for war damage
  4. 6. who was the last russian emperor
  5. 7. Fell victim to the German u-boats in 1915
  6. 14. who was the 28th president of the united states
  7. 16. a strong love for one's country
  8. 18. what country declared war on germany april 6, 1917
  9. 19. huge airship filled with hydrogen
  10. 20. which country switched sides in the war
  11. 22. created to allow germany to defeat france quickly
  12. 25. the front in which france and britain was fending off germany
  13. 27. the last central power to leave the war
  14. 29. german boats used in the war
  15. 31. a long, narrow ditch
  16. 32. a note from germany to mexico that was intercepted by the british
  17. 34. the front at which there was more movement of land gained and lost
  18. 35. temporary suspension of hostility in a war