World War 1

  1. 3. refusal to take part in a war between other nations
  2. 4. the area between the trenches
  3. 7. France, Belgium, and Britain fought on which front
  4. 11. the act of reducing weapons arsenals to a minimal level
  5. 15. made firing bullets faster and easier
  6. 18. Germany, Italy, Austria- Hungary
  7. 19. were able to go over all terrain
  8. 20. to assemble and make ready for war duty
  9. 21. outlawed after WWI for being too cruel
  10. 22. taking colonies and expanding your empire
  11. 23. where the Paris Peace Conference was held
  12. 24. Germany's plan to invade France, then Russia
  1. 1. were used for air transportation and could store weaponry
  2. 2. Russia fought on which front
  3. 5. what country did Germany send the Zimmerman telegram to
  4. 6. agreement to stop fighting in the war
  5. 7. leader of the US during WWI
  6. 8. agreements between countries to protect each other
  7. 9. when no side can make advancements
  8. 10. a congress for an international organization
  9. 12. payments made to compensate for money spent fighting a war
  10. 13. building a country's army to the point where it's undefeatable
  11. 14. is an extreme form of patriotism
  12. 16. leader of Germany during WWI
  13. 17. Woodrow Wilson's plan for the world