World War 1

  1. 4. This is one of a few ways WW1 was commemorated
  2. 7. A large gun that could fire over great distances and cause a lot of damage
  3. 10. The physical and psychological trauma of soldiers to continued bombardment
  4. 14. People born whose grandparents or parents were from enemy nations
  5. 16. He was heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
  6. 19. This was the day fighting on the Western Front ended
  7. 21. These clubs assist ex-servicemen and servicewomen and their families
  8. 22. Trying to build up an empire consisting of other (usually much smaller) nations
  9. 24. Compulsory enlistment in the armed forces is known as?
  1. 1. The Triple Entente consisted of Great Britain, France and?
  2. 2. Posters that played on emotions such as mateship and family
  3. 3. Building up armed forces; preparing for war. ‘Mobilising’ your army and/or weapons
  4. 5. The increasing demand for money to be spent on armaments is known as the _____ race?
  5. 6. Agreements/promises between two or more nations – usually in regards to defence
  6. 8. A vote to change the constitution of Australia, which requires a majority of the people and the majority of the states
  7. 9. This term is not considered offensive but was once used to describe an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who had one parent that was European
  8. 11. This battle was successful because of how well-organised it was
  9. 12. Having pride in your country to the point where you are willing to take up arms to defend it
  10. 13. The process where information is released to the public is controlled and limited by the government
  11. 15. A role women played during WW1
  12. 17. This was an early reason for enlistment
  13. 18. This was a later reason for enlistment
  14. 20. a state of war where neither side is able to make progress
  15. 23. What did the government give returned servicemen after the war?