World War 1

  1. 2. World War 1 is also called the _______ war.
  2. 5. Who got out of WW1 around the same time the US was joining???
  3. 7. the treaty that ended World War 1.
  4. 9. who declared war on April 6, 1917? (it is abbreviated!)
  5. 10. What side won WW1????
  6. 13. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was in line to be king of _______________.
  7. 15. A ________ man assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  8. 16. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on the _____ of June in 1919.
  9. 17. What years did WW1 start and end? (put a comma between!)
  1. 1. What word describes the war between 1916 and 1917? (Hint: similar to a draw) ;)
  2. 2. the country that had to get blamed after the war
  3. 3. ditches that were dug out of the Earth.
  4. 4. the power that consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
  5. 5. What caused Russia to pull out of WW1?
  6. 6. the power that was made of France, England, Russia, and the US
  7. 8. Did the Treaty of Versailles tell Germany to make more or less of its military??
  8. 11. expanding one's territory
  9. 12. what began on July 28, 1914?
  10. 14. How many Americans were killed when the Lusitania sank?
  11. 15. Germany sunk American _____, which led the US to declare war.