World War 1

  1. 4. French palace where the leaders of the victorious Allied Powers met in 1919 to sign the peace treaties.
  2. 6. Italian represenative at the peace treaty that ended WW1.
  3. 8. Nickname of a German cannon that hurled an 1800lb shell a distance of 9 miles. Named after the wife of Gustav Krupp.
  4. 9. French General Commandeer in cheif of the Allied armies during World War 1.
  5. 13. Nickname of aerial battles during WW1.
  6. 18. Germany"s foreign secretary who attempted to persuade Mexico to join the war on the German side in exchange for Germany's help to get back Mexico's lost land in Texas and Arizona.
  7. 19. River in northeastern France, scene of a decisive battle where the French army stopped the German advance to ward Paris on September 12, 1914.
  8. 21. African American soldier who was awarded the Croix de Guerre, a high military honor from the French Government.
  9. 26. Name given to the battle lines between Russia and Germany during WW1.
  10. 28. russian revolutionaries who took control of the government in November 1917 and pledged to make peace with Germany.
  11. 29. Location of the assassination of the archduke of Austria on June 28th, 1914.
  12. 34. the name given to Great Britian, France, and Russia during WW1.
  13. 35. Nickname of German submarines during WW1.
  14. 37. a town in northern France site of signing of armistices between the Allies and Germany in 1918.
  15. 38. Name given to Germany and Austria-Hungary during WW1 because of their geographic location in the heart of europe
  16. 39. gas filled airships developed by Germany to drop bombs
  1. 1. US naval leader during WW1 who devised the convoy system to protect merchant ships crossing the Atlantic.
  2. 2. Village in northeastern Poland, scene of a major Russian defeat by German forces in August 1914.
  3. 3. of the French army during WW1, called "papa".
  4. 5. Commander in chief of the german army during WW1.
  5. 7. Archduke of Austria whose assassination on June 28th, 1914 led to the outbreak of WW1.
  6. 10. Town in northeastern France on the Meuse River, scene of several battles during WW1.
  7. 11. Name given to the battle lines between France and Germany during WW1.
  8. 12. British King during WW1.
  9. 14. french representative at the peace treaty that ended WW1.
  10. 15. nickname of a US infantryman during WW1.
  11. 16. British representative at the peace treaty that ended WW1.
  12. 17. a series of proposals drawn up by US President Wilson that outlined his goals for a just and lasting "to make the world a safe democracy."
  13. 20. Serbian nationalist who assassinates the archduke and archduchess of Austria on June 28th, 1914.
  14. 22. Russian ruler during WW1, excuted by revolutionaries in 1917.
  15. 23. commander of the US army during WW1, called Black Jack.
  16. 24. French passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German submarine in March 1916.
  17. 25. Grim nickname given to the area between the trenches that were dug during World War 1.
  18. 27. Emperor of Austria during WW1.
  19. 29. river in northern France, scene of several battles during WW1.
  20. 30. Popular American song during WW1.
  21. 31. Brisith passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German submarine on May 7th, 1915. Killing 1200 passengers, including 139 Americans.
  22. 32. site where a treaty was signed between Germany and Russia in March 1918, which ended the war between the two countries.
  23. 33. an international organization established after WW1 for the preservation of world peace.
  24. 36. Wilhelm emperor of Germany during WW1 who, after his nations defeat abdicated and fled to exile in the Netherlands