World War 1

  1. 4. Central Powers
  2. 5. Used for reconnaissance/spotting
  3. 8. Used to combat trenches
  4. 11. Weapon used that made it much more efficient but cooling to be an issue
  5. 12. Would destroy the lungs by killing the soldier slowly and painfully
  6. 16. Barbed wire entanglements
  7. 19. Used to protect a soldiers face against posion gas
  8. 22. Defended Serbia
  9. 24. Allied Powers
  10. 26. Battle that stopped German advance
  11. 29. Payments for war damage
  12. 30. Another word for submarine
  13. 32. A small bomb
  14. 33. Treaty negotiated with Germany
  15. 35. Wanted control of the Dardenelle & Bosporus Straits
  16. 36. Government that has total, complete control over all aspects of life
  17. 37. Religon essentially eliminated
  18. 38. Another word for WW1
  1. 1. Belief that a nation needs a large military
  2. 2. Zeppelins first __________ used---spying
  3. 3. War goal for Austria-Hungary
  4. 6. All decisions made by the government
  5. 7. The longest battle
  6. 9. Replaced with communism over Stalin's Control
  7. 10. first war that included the use of planes
  8. 13. Artillery creates this
  9. 14. Supported Austria
  10. 15. A strong love for one's country
  11. 17. treaties to defend one another in event of war-"balance of power"
  12. 18. First full-scale offensive with the tank
  13. 20. Designed to combat trench warfare
  14. 21. Stalin eliminated millions of people he saw as threat to his power
  15. 23. Policy of building up an empire
  16. 25. Opinions expressed for the purpose of encouraging the actions of others
  17. 27. "Big push" attack across river Somme by British
  18. 28. A long narrow ditch
  19. 31. Word for the total number of people killed
  20. 34. Declared war on Serbia on July 28