World War 1

  1. 2. of influence an area where a nation has special trading privileges
  2. 5. Riders a nickname for a military unit organized by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish American War
  3. 6. Points President Wilson's Peace Plan in 1918
  4. 8. Bonds an investment used to raise money for World War 1
  5. 13. Soldiers a nickname for the African American members of the 9th and 10th Cavalries during the Spanish American War
  6. 14. Journalism reporting that relied on sensational stories and headlines that are often biased or untrue
  7. 15. J. Pershing American General commanding American Forces in France
  8. 18. German fleet of powerful submarines
  9. 19. to add or take over
  10. 20. a policy of powerful countries seeking to control the economic and political affairs of weaker countries
  11. 22. of Versailles Treaty in 1919 where Germany had to take responsibility for the war and pay the allies reparations
  12. 25. acts of cruelty and brutality
  13. 26. People who believed in group ownership, sharing of profits and believed war benefited factory owners, not the workers.
  14. 29. narrow strip of land that has water on each side with a strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land
  15. 30. British passenger ship torpedoed and sunk in 1915 by a German submarine
  16. 32. cash payments for losses suffered during war or enslavement
  17. 33. Telegraph 1917 secret message sent from Germany to urge Mexico to attack the US if the USA declared war against Germany
  18. 36. a nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country
  19. 37. to give up sovereign power, office, or responsibility usually formally
  20. 38. loyalty and devotion to a nation especially as expressed by praise of one nation above all others and intense concern with promotion of its culture and interests
  1. 1. a policy of moving large numbers of people into camps for political or military purposes
  2. 3. Amendment Amendment to the Cuban Constitution that allowed the USA to intervene in Cuba and gave the USA control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay
  3. 4. Service Act required all men 18 - 30 to register for a military draft, requiring people to serve in the military
  4. 7. he belief that one race is superior to another
  5. 9. of Brest-Litovsk Agreement in March 1918 between Germany and Russia, ending Russia's participation in the war.
  6. 10. a policy of extending a nation’s boundaries
  7. 11. a policy of staying out of world affairs
  8. 12. People who refuse to fight because they don't believe in violence
  9. 16. an addition to an earlier state principle
  10. 17. not taking a side
  11. 21. the ruler of Germany from 1871 to 1918
  12. 23. Powers France, Britain, Russia, Italy and the USA in WW1
  13. 24. diplomacy President Taft’s policy of building strong economic ties to Latin America
  14. 27. of Nations political organization established by the Allied powers at end of World War I; replaced by United Nations 1946
  15. 28. Rebellion an uprising in China against westerners and western influence in 1900
  16. 31. an agreement to stop fighting between the two sides
  17. 34. diplomacy President Wilson’s policy of condemning imperialism, spreading democracy, and promoting peace
  18. 35. Powers .Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in WW1