World war 1

  1. 3. An act adopted by congress in 1917, requiring all men ages 21-30 to register for the draft
  2. 5. The right to engage in legal activities such as free expression without being hindered by the government are _____ _________
  3. 6. the ___ __________ _____ found ways to make factories in the U.S. more efficient
  4. 7. the government established the _________ __ ______ ___________ to Raise the country’s enthusiasm for the war
  5. 9. an American passenger ship sank by a German submarine, taking the lives of 129 Americans
  6. 13. the _________ ___ was designed to prevent sabotage and spying
  7. 15. Act the prohibited uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal language toward the government or the armed forces
  8. 16. all Americans were asked to support the war effort by buying _______ _____
  9. 18. in 1916, Wilson was re-elected as president with the slogan that featured the slogan “__ ____ __ ___ __ ___”
  1. 1. people who refused to participate in the war for religious reasons
  2. 2. Wilson named _______ ______, a a mineing engineer,from California to head the food administration
  3. 4. head of the committee on public information
  4. 8. Some families planted _______ _______ to grow food to keep, or to support the soldiers
  5. 10. the Germans sank 3 American ships resulting in president Wilson asking for a ___________ __ ___
  6. 11. the corps of soldiers sent to fight in Europe were called the ________ _____________ ______
  7. 12. short for ”untersee boot,”German word for submarine
  8. 14. secret message from the German foreign minister,proposing an alliance with Mexico if they attacked America
  9. 17. he was an experienced military leader who commanded troops in Cuba,Mexico, and the American west