World War 1

  1. 2. Germany arranged an ________ with the allies.
  2. 3. Who was blamed?
  3. 5. Who stepped down in 1917?
  4. 7. On 8/1 Germany declares war on who?
  5. 9. A military strategy to avoid a 2-front war
  6. 10. July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war on?
  1. 1. Allied nations were _______ like the US
  2. 4. An association of countries: an agreement of defense or common policies were formed for the purpose of keeping peace.
  3. 6. Kaiser Wilhelm 11 stepped down and went into what?
  4. 8. Who was the last to join the war?
  5. 9. The Western Front war was settled into a?
  6. 11. “Powder keg” of Europe (SE Peninsula) =