World War 1

  1. 2. In which month did World War 1 start?
  2. 3. Cause of WW1:Agreement between nations that if attacked they would help defend eachother
  3. 5. George Clemenceau was the leader of which country?
  4. 7. Cause of WW1: Competition between countries to see who will have the best weapons/tanks/ships
  5. 9. Cause of WW1: People being loyal and proud of their country
  6. 11. A hole that soldiers created in order to protect themselves in the battlefield
  7. 12. Franz Ferdinand was killed in __________
  1. 1. Last name of the leader/president of the United States during World War 1
  2. 2. In which month was Franz Ferdinand assassinated?
  3. 4. Cause of WW1:Countries competing against each other to obtain more land
  4. 6. Ship that was destroyed by Germany
  5. 8. Germany was part of this alliance
  6. 10. Great Britain was part of this alliance
  7. 13. Which country killed Franz Ferdinand?