World War 1

  1. 3. When a strong country takes over a weaker country for resources
  2. 5. This means to not take sides in the war
  3. 8. President of the United States during World War 1
  4. 9. New weapon that Germany used to sink ships.
  5. 10. An extreme pride in your country
  6. 12. Competition between countries to increase military strength
  7. 15. Type of warfare where soldiers dig into the ground for protection
  8. 16. Country that stopped fighting in 1917 because they had a revolution
  9. 18. Agreement to stop fighting on November 11, 1918
  10. 19. New military vehicle that protects soldiers inside it.
  11. 20. An agreement between countries to help defend each other
  1. 1. The alliance of Germany, Austria Hungary, and Turkey
  2. 2. Coded message from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance
  3. 4. The ship Germany sunk, killing Americans
  4. 6. Area between trenches (you wouldn't want to go there)
  5. 7. The alliance of Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia
  6. 11. Archduke who was assassinated on June 28, 1914
  7. 13. Famous German pilot
  8. 14. The country that Austria-Hungary declared war on for killing the Archduke
  9. 17. This is a modern canon