World War 1 Crossword

  1. 3. (american infantry rifle)
  2. 4. (longest battle fought in World War I)
  3. 5. (most commonly used gas in World War I)
  4. 7. (A term coined to describe the type of post traumatic stress disorder many soldiers were afflicted with during the war)
  5. 9. (Name of a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico)
  6. 12. (Location in Belgium where the fiercest battle of World War I was fought)
  7. 18. (The main theatre of war during World War I)
  8. 20. (ranged weapons that launch munitions far beyond the range and power of infantry firearms)
  9. 21. (German victory against Russia on the Eastern Front in 1914)
  10. 22. (A term used when soldiers had to climb out of their trenches to attack the enemy)
  11. 25. (German invention that was capable of firing a jet of flame out to a distance of 20 yards and was designed to be carried and operated by a single soldier)
  1. 1. (british machine gun)
  2. 2. (vast system of defenses in northeastern France constructed by Germany in 1916–17)
  3. 6. (The area of land between two enemy trench systems, which neither side wished to cross or seize due to fear of being attacked by the enemy in the process)
  4. 8. (another German-made infantry rifle)
  5. 10. (british machine gun)
  6. 11. (one of the gasses used in World War I)
  7. 13. (the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure)
  8. 14. (German-made infantry rifle)
  9. 15. (A British ocean liner sunk by a German submarine in May 1915)
  10. 16. (deadliest gas used in World War I)
  11. 17. (The German term for a submarine)
  12. 19. (A type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other)
  13. 23. (failed attempt by Allies in 1915-16 to force the Dardanelles strait and occupy Constantinople)
  14. 24. (British military slang for German anti-aircraft fire)
  15. 26. (German adaptation of the Maxim)