World War 1 Crossword

  1. 5. a narrow strip of land between the trenches
  2. 8. the unification of the Slavic people of the Balkans
  3. 9. where each side simply tried to. outlast the other side
  4. 10. a terrorist organization that supports violence to achieve its goals
  5. 13. a war where a country needs to fight on two battle fronts
  6. 14. where one country supports another country unconditionally
  7. 18. consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy to support each other if attacked
  8. 19. where officers order soldiers to "go over the top" of the trench to attempt to take control of the other side
  9. 20. a threat where one must meet certain conditions or shall face dire consequences
  1. 1. the official policy for the navy of Britain, where they are required to be twice as strong and larger in quantity than rivalling militaries
  2. 2. strong feeling of patriotism and pride of ones country
  3. 3. designed to avoid a two front war
  4. 4. extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  5. 6. the central powers and consists the support between France, Britain, and Russia
  6. 7. the development of am economic and social change in a country
  7. 11. all resources of a war are used to assist the military of one's country
  8. 12. a standard war tactic where protection is offered and where soldiers go for cover
  9. 15. occurs when two countries are in competition to see who has the best equipped military
  10. 16. close association of nations for achieving the same objective
  11. 17. the policy of making country's armed forces very strong