World War 1 Review

  1. 3. The new super battleship
  2. 6. New weapon first used against Canadians at the Battle of Ypres, 1915
  3. 9. Could grow as big as cats as they ate the dead bodies of soldiers
  4. 10. A connecting trench between the front and rear trenches
  5. 12. 128 American died on this ship which helped bring the USA into the war
  6. 13. Assassin who killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
  7. 16. A tragedy in Halifax when two ships collided
  8. 19. A new 'fire' weapon used to burn enemy soldiers in trenches
  9. 22. The failed German battle plan
  10. 29. Bonds Canadians could buy to support the war effort
  11. 30. Francis Peghmagabow has 300 confirmed kills as a:
  12. 31. Underground tunnels used to listen to No Mans Land
  13. 35. Soldiers were covered in this bug as they couldn't shower in the trenches
  14. 36. A yellow liquid that could protect people from poison gas
  15. 37. The stretch of land between the trenches, where millions of soldiers died
  16. 38. Manfred von Richtofen was known as the:
  17. 40. A new tactic used by Canadians to take Vimy Ridge
  18. 42. Where soldiers were stationed, these were dug all along the front lines
  19. 44. The First Battle of Ypres, 1914 was called
  20. 45. A term used to describe Canadian soldiers
  21. 47. A new weapon that could fire hundreds of bullets per minute
  22. 49. The Prime Minister of Canada during World War 1
  23. 51. Leader of the Communists that murder Tsar Nicholas II and his family
  24. 52. The alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia
  25. 54. The belief in a strong army and navy
  26. 55. A fungal infection of the feet which led to amputation
  1. 1. A colonial empire
  2. 2. When all men, aged 20-45, must fight in the war
  3. 4. Build to keep soldiers from walking in the water and much of a trench
  4. 5. Terror group that killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
  5. 7. The belief in a strong, powerful nation
  6. 8. Where enemy aliens were sent in Canada
  7. 11. A group of ships travelling together to defend from submarines
  8. 14. Massive guns used to destroy trenches or fortified positions
  9. 15. The Treaty signed officially ending World War 1
  10. 17. Women who fought to get the vote
  11. 18. A nickname given to a machine gun location
  12. 20. The Alliance between Germany, Austria and the Ottoman Empire
  13. 21. A new underwater weapon developed by Germany
  14. 23. A battle fought in the rain and mud but won by Canadians
  15. 24. To wake up and fire all weapons and artillery before breakfast
  16. 25. Underground rooms built off trenches used to hide during artillery bombardments
  17. 26. A gun that jammed
  18. 27. The Canadian General who won at Vimy Ridge
  19. 28. Massive new vehicles that got stuck in the mud
  20. 32. The Canadian pilot who shot down the Red Baron
  21. 33. Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination - The causes of World War 1
  22. 34. A telegram sent to Mexico asking them to attack the USA
  23. 38. People were only given small amounts of food and fuel because it was scarce
  24. 39. The build up of arms and weapons between Germany and Great Britain
  25. 41. Three thousand Canadian women volunteered to be
  26. 43. An air battle between airplanes
  27. 46. Unrestricted warfare with no rules
  28. 48. Canada's First Ace
  29. 50. Pictures taken by airplanes above enemy trenches
  30. 53. How the Canadian public viewed Germans living in Canada