  1. 3. War between the U.S. and Spain fought in Cuba.
  2. 4. treaty that ended World War 1.
  3. 5. France, Great Britain, Russia (Later U.S)
  4. 6. speak softly and carry a big stick is the foreign policy of which U.S. president?
  5. 8. The 14th point of Wilson’s 14 Points called for the creation of a
  6. 13. Made sure fuel got to troops and our allies.
  7. 15. The passenger ship sunk by the Germans that killed 128 Americans and provoked America into World War 1 was the
  8. 18. Coordinated the production of war materials.
  9. 20. Person whose assassination triggered the start of war in Europe.
  1. 1. Used propaganda to promote American public opinion of the war.
  2. 2. Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
  3. 7. Managed the production and conservation of food.
  4. 9. Serbian terrorist group responsible for Franz Ferdinand assassination.
  5. 10. The law passed by Congress that requires men 18-25 to register for and report to military service was the
  6. 11. The telegram intercepted by British intelligence that angered Americans was the
  7. 12. The method used by American ships to transport troops overseas was the
  8. 14. president who served during World War 1.
  9. 16. involved digging trenches and fighting in deep ditches.
  10. 17. when neither side has an advantage the two sides are at a
  11. 19. The competition for territory and power among nations was called