World War 1

  1. 4. spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
  2. 7. Powers/Germany and Austri-Hungary.
  3. 8. policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
  4. 11. War/When the countrys devored all their resources to the war effort.
  5. 12. this to stop the fighting.
  6. 14. submarine warfare/Germans submarines would sink any ship in Britain waters without warning.
  1. 1. that would fight together and help in battle.
  2. 2. as the "power keg"
  3. 3. could bye only small amounts because of….
  4. 5. Plan/A plan for Germany to defeat France and fight Russia.
  5. 6. sided information designed to persuade.
  6. 9. Entente/Did not bing Brtian to fight with Franc and Russia but ensured Britan would not fight agains them
  7. 10. note/A message relaying that German would help Mexico.
  8. 13. policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army.
  9. 15. Warfare/Soldiers that fought eachother from other trenches.