World War

  1. 2. The block which won the First World War in November 1918.
  2. 4. He was the dictator of Italy. He was appointed as Prime Minister of Italy in 1922.
  3. 6. An agreement between countries
  4. 7. During this time trade suffered, factories and banks closed down and millions of people lost their jobs.
  5. 9. After the first wolrd war peace conference was held at this place. It is also capital of France.
  6. 10. Germany submarines that sank many ships of the AlliedPowers in World War 1.
  1. 1. A group of countries united by treaty or common interests
  2. 2. An official agreement between enemies to end a war
  3. 3. This block consisted of Germany, Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria during World War1
  4. 5. He became Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
  5. 7. The only country blamed for the first world war and punished severely.
  6. 8. These were the open tunnels dug in the ground by soldiers. The war was mostly fought from these tunnels.