World War 1

  1. 4. In which month of 1914 did the First World War begin(6)
  2. 9. German submarines (5)
  3. 11. Where was the formal peace agreement signed (10)
  4. 12. What was the area between the opposing trenches called (2,4,4)
  5. 13. Number of offspring a pair of rats could produce in a year (4,7))
  6. 14. Another name for weapons and ammunitions (9)
  7. 15. Poison gas ( 7)
  8. 16. Movement supporting women's right to vote (12)
  9. 18. A German airship(8)
  10. 19. Call up for men to fight (12)
  11. 20. Common name for Local Defence Volunteers (4,5)
  12. 22. Many soldiers chose to shave their heads to avoid this pest (4,4)
  13. 23. Specially trained shooters, well camouflaged (7)
  14. 25. Animal message carriers(8)
  15. 26. What soldiers stood on to shoot at the enemy(4)
  16. 27. Your country needs ......(3)
  1. 1. The common name for landships (5)
  2. 2. One of the diseases the soldiers were vaccinated against (7)
  3. 3. What type of vermin lived in the trenches (4)
  4. 5. Medical foot condition suffered by soldiers (6,4)
  5. 6. Sweet smelling but most deadly of all the gases (7,3)
  6. 7. Women who worked on farms were part of the .....(4,4)
  7. 8. A knife that fixes to the end of a rifle (7)
  8. 10. The end of the war(9)
  9. 13. The year the war started (8,8)
  10. 17. ....... entered the war in 1917(3)
  11. 21. Socks were soaked in this and held over the face to protect against the effects of gas (5)
  12. 23. The soldiers daily routine started with this (5,2)
  13. 24. Battle with the greatest loss of life in the history of the British army(5)