World War 1

  1. 5. A situation in which neither party can move forward (9)
  2. 6. The term used to describe the strategy to leave your trench and charge your opponent (4-3-3)
  3. 9. The gathering and accumulation of arms/weapons (10)
  4. 10. A condition of the feet caused by standing in wet mud for lengthy periods (6,4)
  5. 12. The narrow waterway between the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara so important to Britain and Turkey (11)
  6. 13. France, Britain and Russia were part of this alliance (6, 7)
  7. 14. The German plan used to avoid war on two fronts (10)
  8. 15. Dangerous territory that no-one can claim (10)
  9. 16. The process of signing up for service voluntarily (10)
  10. 18. The Arch Duke assassinated prior to World War 1 (5,9)
  11. 21. Austria-Hungary, Italy and which third country made up the Triple Alliance
  12. 23. One of the MAIN causes of WW1 (9)
  13. 25. A regiment of troops that travelled on horseback but fought on the ground (5,5)
  14. 26. An unseen soldier firing on the opposing force (6)
  15. 27. The month ANZACS withdrew from Gallipoli (8)
  16. 28. The blade attached to the front of the rifle (7)
  17. 29. Wooden planks used along the bottom of trenches (10)
  1. 1. The word abreviated to 'I' in AIF (8)
  2. 2. The role available to women in WW1 (5)
  3. 3. Those killed, wounded or captured during wartime (10)
  4. 4. The collective name for Australian and New Zealander troops (5)
  5. 7. Devotion to and support for one's country (10)
  6. 8. The acronym used to remember the four causes leading to the outbreak of WW1 (4)
  7. 11. The area between France and Germany where several battles took place (3)(7)(5)
  8. 17. One who was opposed to war in Australia: ________(5) Unionist
  9. 19. An agreement between opposing sides to stop fighting in preparation for making peace (9)
  10. 20. One of the MAIN causes of WW1 involving the desire for countries to increase their territories (11)
  11. 22. A WW1 chemical weapon (7,3)
  12. 24. One of the battles at Gallipoli during August 1915 (8)