World War 2

  1. 2. June 6, 1945, Allied troops landed in Normandy to take back France.
  2. 7. Jewish buisnesses, synagogues and other property damaged in riots.
  3. 9. Killing of a race, ethnicity, or religious group of people.
  4. 10. Laws that stripped Jews of their German citizenship.
  5. 11. Section of a city that groups of people were forced to live in.
  6. 12. The killing of over 11 million Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, disabled people and many others.
  7. 15. Japan, Germany, and Italy
  1. 1. When the government acts as absolute ruler complete control over everything.
  2. 3. Policy that Germany could get part of Czechslovakia if they agreed to not invade elsewhere.
  3. 4. Political leaders who rule a country with absolute power, usually by force.
  4. 5. Polices, views, or action that harm or disciminate against Jewish people.
  5. 6. Allied troops force to flee France, mostly by the help of British civilianscityon fishing boats.
  6. 8. Code name for the US production of the atomic bomb.
  7. 13. USSR, Britain, France, and USA
  8. 14. Navajo soldiers using tribal language as code.