World War 2 Vocabulary - US2

  1. 3. farm a farm or group of farms run by the government, as in a communist state
  2. 5. to limit the amount of goods people can buy
  3. 6. state country where a single party controls the government and every aspect of the lives of the people.
  4. 8. in WWII, a Japanese pilot who carried out a suicidal attack on a target
  5. 9. separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences
  6. 10. practice of giving in to an aggressor nation's demands in order to keep peace
  7. 12. German word meaning lightning war; the swift attacks launched by Germany in WWII.
  8. 13. to add on
  1. 1. ruler who has complete power
  2. 2. camp: prison camp for persons who are considered enemies of the state
  3. 4. pride in one's nation
  4. 7. bomb powerful nuclear weapon that could destroy an entire city with one bomb
  5. 10. any warlike act by one country against another without just cause
  6. 11. hopping strategy of allies in WWII of capturing some Japanese-held islands and going around others