World war 2

  1. 2. The name for the countries that signed the Tripartite pact in 1940.
  2. 4. The deliberate killing of a large group of people.
  3. 7. The name of the test that took place in New Mexico that developed the first nuclear bombs.
  4. 8. The first black servicemen, servicing as aviators.
  5. 9. The name of the program that imported workers from Mexico to the United States to work during the 1940's
  6. 10. The name of attack for when an aircraft was filled with explosives, and flown into a structure in a deliberate suicidal attack.
  7. 11. Putting a person in a prison
  8. 13. A type of surrender in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party.
  9. 15. A branch of the united states army in World War two that consisted of 150,000 women.
  10. 17. A compound in which many people die in large numbers.
  11. 19. A political system where a dictator having complete power, and not allowing any sort of criticism.
  1. 1. The name for the countries that opposed the Axis Powers.
  2. 2. To accept the Belligerent demands of a nation in an effort to keep the peace, sometime at the expense of justice.
  3. 3. To restrict an amount of a commodity, such as food, to extend the amount you have over a period of time.
  4. 5. A compound in which members of certain ethnics groups or political prisoners where kept with inadequate facilities.
  5. 6. A large bombardment strategy in which the entire area of a selected land is bombed.
  6. 12. Very powerful and influential nations
  7. 14. The political system where the government holds total control all aspects of life, public or private.
  8. 16. The hate for those of Jewish decent.
  9. 18. The name for the atrocity in which 6 million Jews where killed.