World War 2

  1. 1. Leader of Germany during WW2
  2. 3. Type of government lead by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism
  3. 8. Prime minister of Italy during WW2
  4. 9. Lightening warfare
  5. 11. Agreement between Hitler and Stalin not to attack one another
  6. 12. Secret military project created to build the first nuclear weapon
  7. 14. Month when Pearl Harbor was attacked
  8. 15. Communist dictator of Soviet Union
  9. 16. Hitler's secret police
  1. 2. German air force
  2. 4. First city where the United States dropped the atomic bomb
  3. 5. Agreement signed by several nations to outlaw offensive war and prohibited the use of war except in self defense
  4. 6. French system of underground bunkers along their border with Germany
  5. 7. US policy to avoid involvement in world affairs
  6. 10. Planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan
  7. 13. Day when a million troops stormed the beaches of Normandy
  8. 15. Who attacked Pearl Harbor