World War and South Carolina

  1. 1. Both side dug long "ditches" in the ground from which they fought. This was known as _____ warfare.
  2. 6. Social _________ was the belief by many Europeans that they were better than they people in the places that they ruled and set up colonies to help them.
  3. 9. one of the causes of WWI: war was glorified and the power of the military was displayed
  4. 10. Austria-Hungary blamed this country for the assassination of its leader
  5. 12. one of the causes of WWI: an intense loyalty to your nation or country
  6. 14. Most of the fighting took place on the ________ Front between France and Germany.
  7. 15. The practice of using information and media to shape the way people feel about an issue (such as war)
  8. 17. (Two words) The organization, or terrorist group that was responsible for assassinating the leader of Austria-Hungary
  9. 20. One of the first countries to come to the aid of Austria-Hungary. They would end up being blamed for World War I
  10. 21. The name of the British ship sunk by German U-boats. 1200 passengers were killed including 128 Americans.
  1. 2. A new kind of warfare that used poison gas
  2. 3. World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke ____________ and his wife
  3. 4. The name of the letter sent to Mexico from Germany encouraging Mexico to invade America if the U.S. entered the war.
  4. 5. A practice during the war where people limited the amount of food or goods
  5. 7. What was the name given to the day that WWI ended?
  6. 8. The last name of the U.S. President during World War I.
  7. 11. one of the causes of WWI: this was the race for empires and the natural resources they offered
  8. 13. one of the causes of WWI: agreements between nations to help each other in case of war
  9. 16. One of the first countries to enter into the conflict. They came to the aid of Serbia and is a large country to the northwest of Serbia.
  10. 18. the requiring of citizens to serve in the military for a certain period of time.
  11. 19. The agreement made by the U.S., Britain and France on how to deal with Germany and Austria-Hungary