World War I

  1. 4. (v.) to make international; to place under combined control or protection of many nations
  2. 7. (n.) moments in the history of the Universe when specific ingredients under the right "Goldilocks Conditions" come together to create something new and more complex
  3. 10. (n.) the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution
  4. 14. (n.) a troop of infantry consisting of at least two battalions
  5. 15. (n.) one who opposes extreme political or social ideas, positions, or actions
  6. 17. (v.) to assemble and prepare (troops or the like) for active military duty or service to a country
  7. 18. (n.) the internal, usually forcible, overthrow of a political system or legitimate government
  8. 20. (v.) to examine and control the content of
  9. 22. (n. pl.) additions of personnel or or material to a military force
  10. 24. (n.) concern for or devotion to one's own nation, especially desire for national progress, defense, or independence
  11. 29. (n.) a period of reduced or declining economic activity
  12. 30. (v.) to murder for pay for ideological reasons
  13. 31. and effect (n.) of, pertaining to, or arising from a connection between two events in which one causes the other to happen
  14. 32. (n.) the condition of being deprived of false beliefs or hope; realizing something is not as one thought it was
  15. 33. (n.) a purposeful course of harassing, punishing, or exterminating others, esp. because of their race or religious, moral, or political beliefs
  16. 36. Revolution (P n.) the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period between 1760 and 1840
  17. 37. (n.) the theory of a classless social system in which all property and means of production are owned in common; socialist theory deriving from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  18. 39. (n.) someone or something that engages in combat
  19. 42. (n.) one who uses armed force to rebel against one's own government
  20. 43. (n.) the power of self-government, with independence from outside control
  21. 45. (adj) unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; fated
  22. 46. Depression (P n.) a the decade of the 1930's in the United States and other countries, characterized by the extreme economic hardship; the Depression
  23. 51. (n.) a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place
  24. 52. (n.) a sudden, violent change
  25. 53. (v.) to place a government injunction or other legal restriction on trade or the shipment of goods
  26. 55. (n. pl.) a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action
  1. 1. (n.) compulsory enrollment in military service
  2. 2. (n.) an autonomous self-governing religious community, each organized under its own laws and headed by a religious leader, who was responsible to the central government for the fulfillment of millet responsibilities and duties, particularly those of paying taxes and maintaining internal security
  3. 3. (n.) a period of time marked by a particular cultural characteristics or by important events such as wars or advances in technology; a period of time beginning with an important event
  4. 5. (n.) open rebellion of subordinates against their established leaders, especially of military personnel against their superior officers
  5. 6. (n.) the analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems
  6. 8. (n.) the quality or state of being continuous; an unbroken or uninterrupted series
  7. 9. (v.) to limit the use or supply of
  8. 11. (adj.) having no precedent; never before observed or experienced
  9. 12. (n.) in India, a native soldier who served in the British army
  10. 13. (P n.) a member of the majority faction of the party that seized power in 1917 and formed the Communist party in the Soviet Union; a member of the Soviet, or any, Communist party
  11. 16. Empire (P n.) an empire of the Turks that existed from about 1300 to 1918 and that at times included much of the lan bordering on the Mediterranean
  12. 19. (n.) the policy of encroaching on other territories or countries for political or economic advantage
  13. 21. (n.) a person who is strongly or actively devoted to some cause, idea, group, or person
  14. 23. (n.) the act of striking back or taking revenge
  15. 25. (n.) the act of assembling, organizing, or adapting (industries, supplies, facilities, or the like) for immediate use or service in times of war or states of emergency; the act of assembling and preparing (troops or the like) for active military duty or service to a country
  16. 26. war (n.) global war in which all warring nations' mobilize for the war effort including soldier and civilian populations, who are both participants and targets; usually defined as meeting four criteria: mobilization, blurring of lines between citizen and civilian, total control of society, and rejection of a compromise peace
  17. 27. (n.) the practice or skill of conducting negotiations between nations or governments
  18. 28. (n.) the policy of extending the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or political dominance
  19. 34. a formal pact or agreement between or among nations
  20. 35. (n.) combined form of dependence
  21. 38. (n.) an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market
  22. 40. (n.) the title of male Russian rulers before 1917
  23. 41. (v.) to put a stop to; subdue; to restrain or prevent the expression of (fellings, utterances, or the like)
  24. 44. (n.) the intentional attempt to exterminate all members of a certain race, nationality, or ethnic group
  25. 47. (n.) the idea that the consumption of goods is beneficial to society or its economy
  26. 48. (n.) to take away false beliefs or hopes; remove illusions of
  27. 49. (n.) a final statement of demands, esp. when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion
  28. 50. (n.) information or opinions that are made public to promote or attack a movement, cause, or person
  29. 54. (adj.) of or related to a large group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage